Friday, 1 July 2016

Socialist Reflections on Brexit

What is clear from much of the shallow, self-centred and oblivious commentary of antagonists to Brexit is their failure to understand the sweep of history from the turn of the 20th century.  Society in the 50s is a useful reference point for optimised governance because it was perforce well-managed following the Great Depression and the Second World War.   Global ideology was limited to Sino-Soviet communism.  Keynesianism was an application of theory, and anti-communism was merely maintenance of the status-quo in the face of contrarian doctrines.  Notwithstanding the fears of the time, this too, passed.

All changed in the late 1970s with a neo-liberal philosophy which became an inviolable right-wing doctrine that left-wing parties adopted to the detriment of their constituents.  Gramsci’s Marxism, via Dutschke’s ‘long march’ through the education system, and its consequent adoption into the West’s Weltanschauung after the fall of the Soviet Empire, is forcing on post-colonial society contrived obligations to failing states in Asia and Africa.  This uses anachronistic moralising in an attempt to create a borderless planet and Europe as “a great big melting-pot” in refutation of human nature, the denial of the advantages of the Westphalian nation-state model, and to counter capitalist cultural hegemony.  Once again, left-wing parties promote this ideology to the detriment of their constituents while the clerisy responsible for it are wealthy enough to isolate themselves from the social mess it creates.

Independent of these ideologies, Islam found itself resurgent when petro-dollar funding met the Saudi government’s intent to spread the Wahhabi version of Islam, and the maturing plans of Egypt’s fundamentalist group The Muslim Brotherhood, found themselves with a ready audience in Europe.  With Islam less hierarchical than Christianity so more amenable to Marxist appropriation, immigration policies favoured Muslims over the real victims of Islamic violence, Christians and minority sects.  As Trevor Phillips, Britain’s former Equalities and Human Rights chairman, has noted to his chagrin, Muslims are creating “nations within nations” (I said this in 2009 with my essay on Islamic Microstates) and refusing to integrate, assimilate, or adopt British values.  For those who raise an eyebrow at “British values”, these include ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you,’ ‘turn the other cheek,’ ‘love thy neighbour as thyself,’ mercy, democracy, rule of law, mutual respect, and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.  These are emphatically NOT Islamic values. Those are being slowly and steadily introduced into Britain and the rest of Western Europe, disaffecting long-time residents who form part of the Brexit bloc.

So, with neo-liberals, neo-Marxists and Muslims intent on removing national identity, eroding borders, and giving free rein to increasing the population regardless of cultural and financial cost, it’s hardly surprising that those least rewarded and most put-upon by the system will take this opportunity for legitimate revenge.

The reason the young voted predominantly ‘Remain’ comes down to hope over experience.  Few people educated after the late 70s will have the insight to understand the role of these ideologies because the education system forestalled the wider understanding necessary.  I spoke to an intelligent youngster educated in history and with knowledge of Islam in London as he handed out Remain leaflets.  He thought Islam was equivalent to Christianity, and failed to realise the importance of tribalism in Middle Eastern society – he said that it was never mentioned in any of his university courses implying it thus didn’t exist.  This is what neo-Marxism produces - education shaped to promote a deterministic doctrine.

The Brexit vote was a proxy for Britain’s failure to care about its citizens.  At some point, its dispossessed will revolt.  I think it extremely unlikely that the vote will result in Britain recovering the sense of social responsibility it had in the 1950s, or acquire Norway’s wisdom in the disposal of its assets.  The contempt for Brexit voters shown by sore-loser Remain voters would be better directed at those principally responsible for this snafu, neo-liberals and neo-Marxists, and to try to reverse the decline of the Welfare State that Britain has endured since the days of Thatcher.  But that won’t happen.  And the Remain voters think Brexiters are thick!

Let me finish with a quote by sociology professor David Garland, in a London School of Economics lecture, ‘What is the Welfare State?

“Profitable capitalist action requires a supportive social environment and an enabling material infrastructure.  It needs a socialised educated healthy workforce and it needs the functioning families and schools and health-care systems that produces that; it needs a dependable supply of raw materials and resources, a transport infrastructure and population of consumers, and a stable political environment.  Left to its own devices capitalism tends to destroy these essential social supports.  Its tendency is to commodify, consume, to expand and to destroy all the obstacles that stand in the way of accumulation.  These processes produce disastrous side-effects, such as threats to climate, natural resources, family life, the physical and economic health of the populations.  Market capitalism is an inherently self-destructive social formation which is protected from these self-inflicted dangers by the operation of anti-market and market-moderating processes.  The paradoxical dialectic consequence is that capitalism vitally depends on the presence of effective opposition to it.  It needs a set of countervailing forces and the name we give to this is the Welfare State.  The Welfare State is an essential means of sustaining the vitality of capitalism.”

Diary of Defeat, March 2025

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