Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Islam’s Policy of Vicinal Arrogation.

Subsequent to hijrah, the obligation of Muslims to emigrate with the injunction to bring the world into submission to the will of Allah, is the settlement process.  Unlike any Western concept, Muslims will gradually establish themselves in a particular area, building a mosque, other congregational buildings, and madrassas or religious schools.  Slowly, shops dedicated to dress and food requirements will appear, then pressure to squeeze out suppliers of alcohol will occur.  Shops offering pig-meat and other products considered offensive to Muslim tastes will have pressure put upon them to remove them from sale.  Houses will be bought up by Muslims, and the native inhabitants have no alternative but to sell to them because of ‘white flight’. The muezzins’ calls to prayer will sound out from minarets, and church bells will be silenced.

This is what happened in the American town of Hamtramck, to the dismay of its Polish-origin inhabitants, as the BBC’s Heart & Soul reported in October 2016.  It is also how the many hundreds of Europe’s ‘no-go’ zones developed.  Vicinal arrogation is where Muslims steadily take over a suburb, town or village in the name of Islam, to the exclusion of others.  By this means it becomes an Islamic microstate, as I outlined in an earlier essay.

To be continued . . .

Friday, 25 November 2016

Islam's Policy of Retributive Subsidiarity

Violence forms an essential part of Islamic conquest.  Its history is that of triumphal wars against non-believers from the Maghreb to Western China, and Albania to Indonesia. 

As a religion with no central system of authority, a call to war devolves to the ummah, the brotherhood of Muslims, and their divine instruction to bring the world into submission to the will of their god Allah.

To be continued.

Diary of Defeat, March 2025

THE DAILY BLOG carries a story on Luxon and police minister Mitchell wishing NZ’s Muslims a happy Ramadan and reading a script from FIANZ...