Criticism of the appeal of the Right as a pull factor, ex nihilo, comes with no consideration given to push factors that emanate from the extreme Left. Until the Left becomes aware that its utopian vision is destroying civilisation step by step, it will continue to erode its traditional constituency of the working class. Ordinary people don’t want to have ordinary hopes dashed, or their identity devalued by an isolated elite, whether it be national, cultural, racial, religious, occupational, political or sexual. The extraordinary sums spent on non-citizens entering Western countries illegally could have been used for health, education and welfare of its tax-paying citizens – the primary obligation of the Hobbesian social contract. Instead, people see housing, child-rearing and a comfortable retirement as being out of reach. Younger ones may not be aware of the detrimental changes brought about by neo-liberal economics, but with the Left beholden to the Professional-Managerial Class, they’re not seeing changes that should be core to the Left’s traditional obligation to working people. Nor that the polarisation of society comes from the Fourth Estate’s binary realignment of ‘balance’, now meaning presenting the media’s view, and its opposite. And that social media captures these two perspectives forcing those bereft of introspection into one echo chamber or the other.
Few seem aware of the 80-year peace dividend, that weakens civilisation through the feminisation of society with the predominance of personal feelings over societal balance and rationality. Or that the Left's support for one of the most traditional and conservative agencies in the world, primitive culture (now deceptively called 'indigenous') is contrary to its 'progressive' ideology. Fewer still, particularly among the educated, understand the Left and Islam’s use of each other as mutual stalking horses to impose their radical prescriptions on a society rendered defenceless by their joint control of the narrative, with captivation and stupefaction. Or, for that matter, the changes the Left has to make to its doctrines as Islam becomes more powerful. Gramsci’s long march has endowed the PMC with epistocratic and meritocratic contempt for the non-aligned, and the Left with its seditious enterprise.
Ordinary people are becoming aware of the effects of this and have voted accordingly.