THE DAILY BLOG carries a story on Luxon and police minister Mitchell wishing NZ’s Muslims a happy Ramadan and reading a script from FIANZ’s Dawah Division. The Blog is Left-wing, so its criticism is of Luxon and Mitchell, not Islam. Of course. The X post is frankly creepy, and Luxon reads out the well-worn line about Ramadan being a time of ‘spiritual rejuvenation’. I found this hard to resist so posted the following on the Blog's site:
Ramadan’s spiritual rejuvenation carries statistical value. The average daily slaughter in the name Islam for the last ten years is 37.9 dead people. But Ramadan carries a 13.6% premium – 43.1 dead people. For those who think this is a bad thing, take comfort. Rates are declining. Islam’s daily dead peaked at 90.4 in 2014 while last year’s was only 23.8. Thanks to for keeping pace with ‘peace’.