Friday, 13 November 2020

The Perils of Islamism's Silver Lining

Shireen Qudosi’s essay Response to France Ends Questions on Islamism[1] in the Clarion Project is a near-faultless assessment of the cause of recent events in Europe, but one phrase jarred – “Islamism is a distortion of the Islamic faith”.  I would question this on the basis of Islam’s doctrine of naskh, abrogation.  This raises a paradox of great significance to the West, the consequences of which are far-reaching.

Abrogation has its origin in chapter 2 verse 106 of the Koran - “Whatever a Verse do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We bring a better one or similar to it.”  The cause of this was a crisis of faith in 622AD at the time of the hijra, Muhammad's move from Mecca to Medina where he became a political and military leader.  Explanations for this verse being brought into being can be found on the Islamic Studies website[2], Raymond Ibrahim’s Islam’s Doctrines of Deception[3], and Mark Durie’s The Qur’an’s Turn to Violence[4], each of which gives a particular perspective of this most important concept.  As Dr Durie points out, the change of tactic, “it was not you, but it was Allah Who killed them”[5], was very successful, and its legacy persists with Islamists today. 

Given Islam’s essentialism[6], the doctrine of al-naskh wa al-mansukh (the abrogating and the abrogated) would appear to favour Islamists as the true interpreters of Islam and the Koran.  Needless to say this has serious repercussions for the West.  Attempts to express either a ‘Meccan’ or a Western form of Islam as the true faith can be shown to founder, as responses to Dr Zuhdi Jasser’s attempts to foster a moderate form of Islam show[7].  To fundamentalists this is blasphemy and apostasy. Moderate Muslims are abundant but they cannot drive changes to the agenda and call it Islam, which has been successful for 1,400 years by resisting change.  Islam’s forces of hegemony such as CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood have no reason at all to modify the process, merely to refine it in tune with the times.  The evident success of Islam’s doctrines of violence and deception, and the active support of the Left, require Islam to remain precisely as it is.

There is a much deeper problem that lies within the phrase “Islamism is a distortion of the Islamic faith”.  It has become popular to vilify those who use violence to achieve Islam’s aims, but in doing so it opens the way for fundamentalist groups who eschew violence but have the identical goal, that of bringing the entire world into submission to the will of Allah.  This is well-outlined by Elham Manea in The Perils of Nonviolent Islamism[8].  It is a dangerous and digressive discourse which furthers the aims of Islam, which by all civilisational standards fails the citizens of its nations.  France’s struggle with Islam is a harbinger of the fate of all Western countries.

The problem is Islam.








[6] “This ummah [nation] of mine will split into seventy-three sects; one will be in paradise and seventy-two will be in hell.” When asked which sect was the true one, the prophet replied, “al-jama‘a,” that is, the group which most literally follows the example or “sunna” of Muhammad, a thing not so simple to do."  Al-Bukhaari nos.71, 3641 no.1920




Thursday, 29 October 2020

Commentary on Amazon’s New Series 'Cracka'

Commentary on Amazon’s New Series Cracka

An aspect not mentioned in the Clarion Project’s review of Cracka[1] is that it is a form of revisionist history, denying the societal progress that has occurred over the last century, improving the lives of blacks, women, ethnic and religious minorities and those of non-cis gender or attraction.  If civilisation can be described as a process of continuous refinement as history attests, Cracka wants to deny it exists, giving itself a potential for incitement of a race war.

Cracka[2], a pejorative expression for poor rural whites[3],  appears (having seen only the trailer) to be an exercise in cultural Marxist wish fulfilment, critical race theory in the style of the theatre of the absurd.  Perhaps the term ‘4th wave racism’ could be applied to it, with a nod to the feminist equivalent.  The first wave would be the global situation of societies ranked in terms of civilisational advance, with slavery rampant up to the 19th century.  The second wave would begin with Britain’s challenge to slavery through to its global abolition.  The human rights movement in the 1960s would represent the third wave, through to the Obama presidency.  The 4th wave has been triggered by post-modernist rhetoric, denying racial differences at the same time as the Left demands affirmative action to compensate for manifest differences which are blamed on ‘colonialism’.  Phrases like ‘white adjacent’ are applied to Jews, Asians and successful Hispanics.  Media companies are obliged to insert racial minorities in historical narratives where they never existed – the inclusion of a Sikh and a black included with 1917’s British troops being an example.  ‘Cancel culture’ becomes a moral norm.

Trump’s victory (victories?) is a reaction to this form of political fabrication, symptomatic of the extreme Left’s enthusiasm for accelerationist reform.  And it’s barely got started.

As a post-script to the Clarion Project’s review, the line, “It is a scientific fact that the human subconscious (with child-like innocence) completely accepts as reality whatever it sees, even if it rationally disagrees with it or rejects it” is the sort of thing that should come with a reference.  I’m inclined to agree with it even though it would seem to be at variance with Festinger’s theory of cognitive dissonance and I want to know why that should be.  Facts need evidence.





Diary of Defeat, March 2025

THE DAILY BLOG carries a story on Luxon and police minister Mitchell wishing NZ’s Muslims a happy Ramadan and reading a script from FIANZ...