Thursday, 29 October 2020

Commentary on Amazon’s New Series 'Cracka'

Commentary on Amazon’s New Series Cracka

An aspect not mentioned in the Clarion Project’s review of Cracka[1] is that it is a form of revisionist history, denying the societal progress that has occurred over the last century, improving the lives of blacks, women, ethnic and religious minorities and those of non-cis gender or attraction.  If civilisation can be described as a process of continuous refinement as history attests, Cracka wants to deny it exists, giving itself a potential for incitement of a race war.

Cracka[2], a pejorative expression for poor rural whites[3],  appears (having seen only the trailer) to be an exercise in cultural Marxist wish fulfilment, critical race theory in the style of the theatre of the absurd.  Perhaps the term ‘4th wave racism’ could be applied to it, with a nod to the feminist equivalent.  The first wave would be the global situation of societies ranked in terms of civilisational advance, with slavery rampant up to the 19th century.  The second wave would begin with Britain’s challenge to slavery through to its global abolition.  The human rights movement in the 1960s would represent the third wave, through to the Obama presidency.  The 4th wave has been triggered by post-modernist rhetoric, denying racial differences at the same time as the Left demands affirmative action to compensate for manifest differences which are blamed on ‘colonialism’.  Phrases like ‘white adjacent’ are applied to Jews, Asians and successful Hispanics.  Media companies are obliged to insert racial minorities in historical narratives where they never existed – the inclusion of a Sikh and a black included with 1917’s British troops being an example.  ‘Cancel culture’ becomes a moral norm.

Trump’s victory (victories?) is a reaction to this form of political fabrication, symptomatic of the extreme Left’s enthusiasm for accelerationist reform.  And it’s barely got started.

As a post-script to the Clarion Project’s review, the line, “It is a scientific fact that the human subconscious (with child-like innocence) completely accepts as reality whatever it sees, even if it rationally disagrees with it or rejects it” is the sort of thing that should come with a reference.  I’m inclined to agree with it even though it would seem to be at variance with Festinger’s theory of cognitive dissonance and I want to know why that should be.  Facts need evidence.





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