Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Diary of Defeat, January 2025

THE POST carried an article on the15th about Anthony Blunt, Surveyor of the Queen’s Pictures and a treacherous spy for the Soviet Union.  There is a parallel with the elite opinion of today, where a sophisticated and educated group, then the Cambridge spy ring, now the clerisy who form part of the media and government, can be so easily misled by skilful agents of ideology, then the KGB, now Islam’s ulema, Muslim scholars dedicated to achieving Islam’s goal of global supremacy.  The Soviet Union’s ideology, based on Marxism, collapsed due to its inability to incorporate human nature.  This was a lesson unlearned, as every other nation seized by communist revolution has either failed or succeeds with tyranny.  Regrettably, Islam will not meet the same fate.  It knows how easily its target populace can be manipulated.  Its structure of having the ulema issue fatwas while keeping ordinary Muslims ignorant of its holy books has extraordinary persistence.  Where Right-wing commentors in the United States could keep communism at bay, albeit with some egregious human rights violations, in the United Kingdom, as The Post’s article points out, fear of libel laws kept the press silent.  The parallel today is of media’s fear less of libel, more of false accusations of racism or Islamophobia.  This is how Islam will succeed.  Where the media will maintain a wilful ignorance, it will maintain that Tarrant’s actions are unforgivable while while discounting Islam’s terrorism that exceeds his death-count every two days, year in, year out.  The media, here and in Britain willingly take the role of useful idiots, and like the Cambridge spy ring, care not about the consequences until it’s too late.  

The lesson for the Left is what happened in Iran.  They supported the eviction of the Shah and the return of Ayatollah Khomeini, only to be slaughtered in the aftermath.  There will be an equivalent evisceration as Islam comes to power in the West.

Diary of Defeat, March 2025

THE DAILY BLOG carries a story on Luxon and police minister Mitchell wishing NZ’s Muslims a happy Ramadan and reading a script from FIANZ...