Friday, 14 August 2009

The Creation of the Islamic Microstate

As the irresistible force of the Global Islamic Caliphate grinds against the immovable object of European culture, accommodation will need to be found within the borders of Europe’s host countries to prevent conflagration. I suggest that larger existing Muslim areas will re-create themselves into independent national entities.

Muslim/host nation tensions will continue to increase until an amalgam of Christian youth and nationalist groups, with the passive support of religious minorities and conservative secularists, will meet Islamic intractability head-on. The inherently violent nature of Islam is indisputable, even when Islamist terrorism is excepted. A 2008 YouGov survey of Muslims in British universities found 32% said that killing could be justified in defence of their religion. Only 6% of non-Muslims would agree.  Honour-killings and rape predominate in Muslims communities. 40% of Muslims between the ages of 16 and 24 would prefer to live under Sharia law, over twice the percentage of their fellow believers aged 55 and above.

Extrapolation of current trends will require a permanent solution to avoid on the one hand complete Muslim domination of European culture, and on the other, Europeans’ robust defence of it through violent or legislated means, including expulsion of those who refuse to accept it.

I am making the prediction (with a high level of confidence, since the alternatives will be too bloody to contemplate) that by the middle of the 21st century nearly all western European countries will be riven by the creation of Islamic city states within their borders. For the sake of brevity they will be referred to as a ‘microstate’, that is, an autonomous conurbation that is defined by the Islamic beliefs of its citizens.

This action will be seen to be the only way to avoid the destruction of both the national and the greater European cultures from their currently weakened states through to total domination by the cultures of Muslim immigrants. Some of the Muslim immigrants have interpreted the European ideas of tolerance and human rights to mean that their beliefs will be accepted and respected, and that assimilation would not be required. It will be seen by the host country as a means of placating and integrating radicals into an environment where their urges will both find an outlet and be curtailed by group pressure.

Boundaries will be formed around existing Muslim centres of population, initially in France, Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark, followed by Britain, Norway, Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Spain. Dates for eastern European states, particularly Orthodox, may be more difficult to predict, although Russia with 15% of its 143 million people professing Islam, may well lead many western European countries in having an independent Islamic state. By the end of this century it will affect every non-Islamic state throughout the world. Current boundaries are well marked in many countries, particularly France with its 751 'zones urbaines sensibles' or banlieues. There are suburbs in most countries that are described as 'no-go' areas with limited policing, and some measure of Sharia rule may already be implemented. Cities with high Muslim populations will themselves be split along Muslim/secular lines and possibly still further on a sectarian basis. There will be forced movement of the population from one area to another, particularly in the case of secular citizens and religious minorities such as Jews, Hindus, and Sikhs from Muslim areas because of Muslims' widely-demonstrated limited tolerance of other religions. Areas close to host country borders are likely to be arrogated to form independent states.

There are examples that could stand as models, such as the State of the Vatican City, Monaco, the Spanish cities of Ceuta and Melilla on the Moroccan coast, tiny boundary states such as Andorra and Lichtenstein, or the Kaliningrad Oblast. There are active precursors such as the Basque Country on the western Spanish-French border, South Ossetia with a population of just 70 thousand, Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka, Basilan and Zamboanga in the Philippines, and Aceh in Indonesia.

By Max Weber's definition, these microstates will have a ‘monopoly on legitimate violence’, imposing their own legal order over the territory. Alliances will form between many if not all of these entities within a country, even among several countries, with perhaps a request for international recognition of the collective. This will require the creation of a new form of state entity which could be internationally recognised.

While the precise form of these Muslim entities is difficult to predict until they mature, there are aspects that can considered certain. These will include implementation of mores dependent on the dominant immigrant culture; polygyny, Sharia Law, Islamic finance, a militia, and its own system of justice and punishment. The host country’s language is likely to be ranked third after the religious and legal language of Arabic and the immigrant vernacular. The microstate will quickly be stamped with its own identity, with the renaming of streets and public areas, statues removed, churches and synagogues converted to mosques, and so on. The enclosed areas would be patrolled by a militia, youth groups or ‘religious police’. Infringement of dress code, morality, familial ‘honour’ codes, advertising standards and public displays is likely to be summary, and as now, involve some level of violence. On the basis of past behaviour and the traditional structure of Muslim societies it seems likely that the entities will do poorly financially and will be heavily dependent on the magnanimity of the host nation. Failure in this regard will be signalled by low-level terrorism and threats of expansionism, and the host nation will yield to this blackmail with heavy subsidies, particularly in social services where it will be regarded as jizya (a tax imposed by Islam on members of minority religions.)

Boundaries may have short-term stability only, with a tendency to be viciously defended and to expand to include nearby areas with shared cultural values or compatible sects, or to expand through population growth into adjacent areas. While they are unlikely to be formal in the sense of a national border, they will be legally documented and well established. Immigration to these areas from sources outside Europe could increase greatly unless the host country provides rigorous control, which in itself will lead to serious difficulties in the relationship.

CITIZENSHIP: Nigeria defines people by whether they are ‘settlers’ or ‘indigenes’, someone who resides in the area where their ethnic group has their ancestral home. Malaysia has a similar system where Malays are defined by their ethnic origin and are ipso facto Muslim with special indigenous rights denied to Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and Sikhs, to whom civil laws apply.

CRIME: Applicable jurisdiction dependent on the residence of the suspect will need to be followed through. US state border and continental European border experience will cover some of this. Hudud punishment adds a new layer of complexity.

CURRENCY: While the host country’s will be used, and the Euro where applicable, it seems quite likely that either a local currency or a common Islamic currency is developed with parity to the host country’s. The advantage of this option is that it will be seen not to be polluted by the West’s use of interest and its immorality, and that local currency will help local businesses and banks. Similar examples are the use of the Cook Islands currency, equal to the New Zealand dollar but only of interest to collectors elsewhere, and Lewes’ (Sussex) attempt to introduce its own currency following Totnes in Devon.

EDUCATION: This may follow the current religious model of ‘special character’, with minimum standards of education insisted upon and supported by the host country’s taxes. This may be needed to guarantee that girls do not miss out. At the same time, the microstate’s autonomy may also allow for madrassas (religious schools) with no set academic standard.

HEALTHCARE: Ethnicly/religiously oriented clinics are being promoted in Stockholm, Rotterdam and Russia. This would suit first-line care, and it is likely a micro-state would have a city-sized hospital. One microstate may provide training services for a number of microstate hospitals. Current issues, such as alcohol-free medicines and the clear-arm strategy for theatre staff are being resolved through appeasement processes. Finance would be a major issue, depending on whether the microstate or the host country gets the health taxes.

It seems likely that consideration of these states will begin to permeate long-term governmental planning. Seeds have already been planted, with Archbishop Williams’ comments on the incorporation of sharia law into British law, and changes already under way which recognise Islamic marital standards.

The last four decades have seen erosion of European values by the deliberate act of cultural repudiation on the part of the feminist movement and post-modern philosophy. It is now at a ‘tipping-point’, to use one of the global-warmers’ favourite phrases. Should this become terminal, Europe will become Islamic.

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