Sunday, 4 October 2015

Islamic Doctrine - Essentialism

“This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favour upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion.” Surah 5:3

“This ummah [nation] of mine will split into seventy-three sects; one will be in paradise and seventy-two will be in hell.” When asked which sect was the true one, the prophet replied, “al-jama‘a,” that is, the group which most literally follows the example or “sunnah” of Muhammad, a thing not so simple to do.  Al-Bukhaari nos.71, 3641 no.1920*


If anything is responsible for Islam’s history of conflict, I argue here that essentialism, the belief that nothing changes over time, has to top the list.  By definition, essentialism is the set of attributes necessary for identity and function; permanent, unalterable, eternal, and present in every possible world.   Islamic essentialism is the doctrine that the principles revealed to its prophet Muhammad by the angel Gabriel are immutable, inviolable, and free of tahrif or distortion.  They can be interpreted, but not changed.  These principles, laid down between 609 and 632 A.D. have shaped Islam’s history to the present day and causes Islam’s greatest and most enduring conflict – between the pietistic loyalty to its sacred seventh-century writings, and the modernistic urges of its populace coupled with the political pragmatism needed to operate in the modern world. 


Islam’s essentialism means that it is immutable.  Its core set of norms – the religious sources of the Koran, the hadiths and the Sunnah - cannot be challenged or changed, and nothing varies over time.  “Muslims must recognise that holding on to Islam as revealed by Allah and lived by the Prophet is our example and guide which must be upheld under all circumstances.”  *

The Koran asserts the existence of a single and absolute truth that transcends the world, applying to everyone, not just Muslims.  Its God is a unique, universal, indivisible being, independent of the entire creation rather than a local, tribal, or parochial one.  God is an absolute, who integrates all affirmative values and brooks no evil. 

It follows, then, that the most religious of adherents will follow the requirements of the original texts closely.  This includes the Taliban, al Qaeda, Islamic State and any of the thousands of Islamist groups throughout the world.  Those who are less religiously inclined recognise that their lesser religiosity constitutes a failing on their part and are loath to criticise those of greater religiosity.  This is why Islamic State gains so many supporters and so few opponents.  It is a lot easier to flee IS than to stay and argue over religious differences.

For Western leaders to say, like Barack Obama, that these Islamist groups “have perverted Islam” or David Cameron, that Islamic State does not represent Islam is not just dead wrong, it follows Hitler’s Big Lie rubric.  It is a lie so colossal that no one would believe that someone could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. *

Islam’s resolve to stick by its strict 7th century rules and its refusal to change is hidden by ‘moderate’ Muslims in the West so isn’t generally recognised.  Claims that Muslims are so diverse that we cannot draw conclusions about their religion are clearly disingenuous.  Throughout the world Muslims use the same scriptural sources, subscribe to Islam’s ‘Five Pillars’, believe in the infallibility of Muhammad, and believe in the commonwealth of Muslims, the ummah. 

Conflict:  Throughout Islam’s history the natural tendency to accept modern trends and morality has been sharply restricted by Islam’s resistance to change, its reversion to pietism that we experience now.  Enforcers of Islamic morality are given divine sanction for unrestrained brutality and terror as attested by the tactics of al Qaeda, the Taliban, Boko Haram, Islamic State, ‘lone wolf’ terrorists, and thousands of affiliated and unaffiliated Islamic terrorist groups across the world.

  This process has prevented Islamic countries from improving their positions in the scores of categories of social progress.  Whether it is corruption, women’s rights, freedom of speech, a free press, quality of life, happiness, peacefulness and well-being, education, etc. etc., the only things saving Muslim-majority nations from being right at the bottom are African states and oil revenues.  Islam de-civilises life.  Copious references on request.

Immutability:  The inability to challenge Islam’s scriptural basis has murderous consequences.  The merest hint of criticism will result in paroxysms of homicidal rage.  Rushdie’s Satanic Verses, the Danish cartoons, Charlie Hebdo’s cartoons, Theo van Gogh’s Submission, Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s writings and so many others have been met with a need for police protection.  Its primary purpose is to prevent any criticism of Islam, under threat of death.  No other religion meets criticism with this level of collective violence.  Only the Islamic world is out of step but receives little of the total condemnation it deserves for its moral absolutism and bigoted rectitude.

The Infallibility of Muhammad:  the vast tomes of the hadith (the Islamic oral tradition; the sayings and actions of Muhammad augmenting the Koran and shaping sharia law) provide examples of how modern Muslims should live.  Every action of modern terrorists can be justified on these 7th century principles. 

Tahrif:  This is the Arabic term used by Muslim scholars for the alterations which Islamic tradition claims Jews and Christians have made to biblical manuscripts, maintaining that Jews and Christians have changed the word of God.


Those who dream that Europe’s civilising influence will calm the tempestuous faith of its Muslim population must realise that there is no peaceful core within Islam, just everlasting turmoil.  Western society’s success is resented by Muslims who consider us to be immoral, effete, and in need of a moral makeover in line with sharia's rules.  Its extraordinary semi-century of tranquillity is over.  Permanently.

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