Saturday, 7 January 2017

Reponse to Malcolm Eve's Anti-Israeli Post

The Herald's Hawke's Bay Today website published an item by Malcolm Eves*. 

This is my response:

Honest Reporting** has gone some way to correcting the errors mentioned in your Hawke’s Bay Today article, but there is one glaring omission, relating to Jews being “God’s chosen people”, which is that of the role played by Islam.

Islam goes much further than Judaism in presenting its place in the world.  It states that every person is born a Muslim (tawhid) and that it is their parents who take them away from Islam’s absolute truth.  This is why converts to Islam describe themselves as ‘reverts’. 

Since Muslims regard Islam as Earth’s default religion, anyone not a Muslim is an infidel.  If infidels refuse to revert, or as other monotheists – Jew or Christians, take the role of ‘dhimmis’ and pay a humiliating tax, they are the equivalent of apostates.  The punishment for apostasy is death.  Islam’s choice is convert, pay the dhimmi tax, or be executed.  This is original, mainstream and current doctrine for both Sunni and Shia schools of jurisprudence.

Furthermore, Islam explicitly imposes on its adherents the obligation to bring infidels into submission to the will of Allah, and encourages Muslims to do this be means of the aforementioned violence (jihad), by migration and fecundity (hijrah) and by proselytising (dawah). 

This message is getting through to the entire world, as Islam imposes itself slowly and steadily into its supremacist position in the West.  Anyone watching Islam’s growth, presumption, and condemnation of any criticism, has to have a better explanation than Islam being just another religion like Christianity.

You may may well hate Jews and the existence of Israel, but neither pose any threat whatsoever to global stability.  Islam, however, not only seeks to eliminate Israel, but also wants to retrieve Jewish land it conquered because it believes that land once conquered for Islam is gifted to Allah for eternity (waqf).  Why should this religious belief, held by people who are not native to the area, trump Israel’s much longer one for people who were indigenous?  The issue of Palestinians will never be resolved because they don’t want it thus, and it has nothing to do with anything Israel does or doesn’t do.  It has everything to do with dividing opinion in the West, and this it does extremely effectively with the help of people who promote its toxic line.

The threat Islam presents to the world is primarily due to its supersessionist nature, taking control of national identity and governance in the name of Allah.  Other major causes of the threat it poses is its inability to reconcile modernity with it essentialist 7th century nature, and to its internal sectarian strife.

But it goes bigger and deeper than the inherent chaos of an ideology that thinks that since it’s the perfect system for running a society it has no faults, and that any failings are due to the malignancy of outsiders, principally its main enemy, the Jews. 

Islam imbues its followers with the concept of the ‘ummah’, the brotherhood of Muslims.  This represents a hugely powerful global sense of identity and purpose.

Its purpose is to being the world into submission to the will of Allah.  With the necessary help of you and you ilk it is succeeding. 

The result will bring Western civilisation – by all standards the greatest the world has seen – into the chaos, barbarity, corruption and tyranny that has riven the Muslim world of today.  Islam’s moral system shares nothing with the evolved nature of the Judeo-Christian Greco-Roman civilisation of the West. It will replace it.

Jews won’t do that.

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